
Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Hot in Malaysia


After a couple of very relaxed days with friends in Melbourne, I have come to the heat and humidity of Kuala Lumpur
Monday morning was spent in a world of coffee as I tried to wake up after a long and tiring Sunday. I was writing my first column for Motorsport Magazine and you can check out my race weekend thoughts here

I love Malaysia and have spent a lot of time in this part of the world but I never fail to be surprised when I step out of the airport for the first time and the wall of heat hits.  Then we get into the hire car and are met with the NO DURIAN sign.  I tried the pungeant fruit a couple of years ago and can completely understand why you wouldn't want one in a car. They stink and I wasn't a great fan of the taste either but you have to try these things!

We stay at a hotel that has its own water park, along with a lot of the teams.  It is the 9th time I have stayed there and opening the curtains to see log flumes and a water bungee is always amusing, and slightly frustrating too as we never get time to use it!

The first thing I do when I get here is go for reflexology in a dodgy looking place on the street. It is the best reflexology that I have ever had and open until 11pm so I can even sneak in after work.  In my job I spend a lot of time on my feet running around after drivers and it is particularly bad here as Sepang has one of the biggest paddocks of the season. 

My other favourite here is reading The New Straits Times over breakfast. I love newspapers and enjoy finding out what is topical in all the countries that we go to but the NST is one of the best. How is it written, the stories covered, everything about it makes me smile and that is not a bad way to start the day, is it.

Lee x

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